Sunday, December 12, 2010

Time Management

A good business
A good boss knows how to manage people,
 Having you a talk is important,
A good boss knows how to arrange all these things,
And make team success a top priority,
A good staff knows how to manage things,
Having you a conversation is critical,
A good staff knows how to do all these things,
And makes task done smoothly,
A good boss works with a good staff to make up a good business.

Monday, December 6, 2010


          In this semester, when we beginning of the management class. The professor signs every student to create a blog because we going to write several entire on our blog. Since I don’t have one and I don’t know how to create. Therefore, I was interesting to create the blog. This way could help student to learn more and communication more from each other, because we had a lot of the class activities during this semester, every activity we had to write a blog entire. So, we could go to other classmate blog to left the common on their blog and get more experience from them, which are very a good way to learn from each other. That is much better than write a regular paper.  Blogging assignments bring me a lot of interesting, we had different topics. Those topics are relating to our class activities. We could express ourselves about the material we have learned and the activities we performed. I still remember what activities we did in the class, like egg planning activity, jello inventions, drawing shapes, and DISC. I am very enjoy and had fun to work with my group mate. Writing about these activities in my blog helps us to share their ideas and experience. I think the 20% of grading is enough. I never have blog before; this is my first blog that I have. But I have learned about it and used in other classes to creatively express my ideas to share in the blog. I think the blog should be an important role of this course as it should be for most other courses as well. It really gives students the opportunity to express their ideas. Also, the blog not only communicates with other students, but the opportunity to learn from them and get new ideas. I think after this course, I will continue to do the blog. Since I am not a good writer, so I try to do the best I can.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


     In the last week, the professor was given a leadership/management diagnostic test, which qualities we possess and the type of leader or manager we would make. In this class exercise we learned that characteristics of behavior can be grouped into four major managerial styles: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness.
      According this test, I realize that I am the Dc person. D is a manager who tends to be dominant shaping the environment by overcoming opposition to accomplish results. I think the “Dominance” is best describing me because some of the descriptions very close to my personality. The second style close to me is C conscientiousness, which emphasize on working conscientiously with existing circumstances to ensure quality and accuracy. Most of the time, I would like to pay attention on every detail, and step by step to process everything.
    I think this exercise is very helpful to let me know I am the “dominant” person. That is true for me; I would like to have power and challenge in work. This personality exercise could let us know strengthen and weaknesses, and what level we should on it. Different people have different personality, we cannot change for those style because it’s came from our normal life. This type of exercise would probably help in personal interactions to see how people would react in different circumstances and to learn more about their personalities and ways of doing things. Because some of the people, they might not know their personality before. But after this exercise, they learned more and know more. I think this was a good way to let me know what type of manager I could performance in the future and do better.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Extra Credit- McDonald’s

                     Management in all business areas and organizational activities are the acts of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives efficiently and effectively. Management comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing, and controlling an organization (a group of one or more people or entities) or effort for the purpose of accomplishing a goal. Resourcing encompasses the deployment and manipulation of human resources, financial resources, technological resources, and natural resources. (Wikipedia)
                       When the professor gave out the extra credit assignment for the whole classes, everyone was so exciting because the extra credit can help us to improve our first exam grade. The assignment was asking that we go to any McDonald’s restaurant, and to buy a small hamburger with 5 extra pickles and small fries well done with Big Mac sauce on the side. Finally, printing receipt which reflects this exact special order is shown on the receipt. Also, we could not tell them that is school project. When I begging to order, I need to watch how they process my order step by step.
                   I choose the McDonald’s that is closest to college place. I went to the one nearby 336 east 23rd ST in Manhattan. I know that this McDonald’s was very busy by every day. Therefore, I went to the McDonald’s afternoon, which is not the rush hour so they might not busy. When I stood in front of the McDonald’s, I had a little bit nervous because don’t know what will happen. I went to the McDonald’s at 3pm, so I need to wait on line. The cashier was very nice, and he asked me “what can I help”. Then I said “I want to order a hamburger with 5 extra pickles, and small fries well done with the Big Mac sauce on them or side”. At this time, one of the girls who waiting for her order and stood next to me said “that is project?” I didn’t said anything just smile with her.
               Moreover, I told him I wanted it all the order and extra order on a receipt.  At this point, the cashier was looking at me and asked me “you want to add Big Mac sauce on the fries and all the order on the receipt”. I said “yes”. I looked at his face; she didn’t know why I need to order like this, and had confused. He looked back to find her manager, and loud said to the manager “the customer want to add the Big Mac sauce on the fries, and put extra order on receipt”. The manager came over to see my order. He didn’t say anything, but I felt that he was annoying why I need to make him to do the extra work. After that he fixes the cashier machine, and ran around the chicken to look for something. Finally, he found the small container and put some Big Mac sauce on it, then gave to me. After I received my order and my receipt, I open it and check what I want to order. But the receipt had something wrong. On the receipt they didn’t put “add Big Mac sauce” on it. Therefore, I told the guy I want to put the Big Mac sauce on the receipt. But he told me their machine didn’t have button to add on it because he told me there was no charge for the “Big Mac sauce”. So, they could not add on receipt.
                  On the time, I think that is impossible. Therefore, I told him I want to tell to the manager. When the manager came in front, and I told to her I want to add the “big Mac sauce” on the receipt. Then the manager told me the same thing again. Also, she explains to me, they are grand open; the machine is new and didn’t have the button to add it, but she could write on the receipt. Finally, I had no chosen to let her write on the receipt, and took my order to leave.  
                The manager of the McDonald’s that I went to would not help me to solve my problem. I think the McDonald’s would handle that different kind of extra special order effectively.  The manager might have this problem before because manager needs to face different problem of every day. So, if I am the manager and the customer want to have special order. I will try my best to help the customer to solve the problem, and smile with them because customers are never right. Communications between the employees was not effectively because they only work in their position. They are not helping each other to make succeed term work. As the big restaurant, all the employees should have communication with each other to solve the problem, and make the successful business. I think the McDonald’s should have a good communication with their customers. Also, they need to help the customers to solve all the special order they want. Even thought they can do better and service than before. Therefore, the customers will keep coming back because they have nice service, and happy to spend their money in the business.  
                    Moreover, Quality team leaders need to be fully trained in problem solving and committed to quality improvement. In this situation I think the manager should train their staff to deal with that kind of the problem and issue. And the solution of problem is not just to train the staff to workforce. It is help the staff to learn and realize from the past. So, next time they can handle the problem to help the customers. I think the manager display the true leadership during my visit because she tries to help me solve the problem. And the leadership is a necessary skill to at McDonald’s. As we know the McDonald’s is big restaurant, they should have a good leadership with their worker. The more qualities of leadership they can do, it is to give more space for their staff to handle different kind of the problems, let them design to do it.  So, that makes their business can stand top of the world.           

Monday, November 1, 2010

Vision for My Future

                     I think after I graduate from Baruch College, I will prepare myself to become a good accounting officer. Let me tell you specifically how I’ve prepared myself. I am an undergraduate student in Accounting major at Baruch College. My past experience has been studied in higher education. That wills aspect to have prepared myself well for the career.  After my graduation, my goal is immediately to find a position, such as different position of accounting. I can apply the accounting knowledge that I learned to my position. Although it is hard to predict the future, I sincerely believe that I will become a good accounting officer. I believe that my abilities will allow me excel to point so I can seek other opportunities.  
                        Second goal is to have a good performance of my job, I think a good accounting officer should have a good personality and emotional strengths on the work, positive and honest; I think I can successfully lead numerous teams on difficult project, and excellent ability to identify of my job. The work experience would let me be the greatest learning experience I have had lately. Also, on the job I will learn a lot about the processes of this specific organization and how to work together. That those things I cannot learn from outside of school.  Finally, I  will get extensive experience on my job and have the specific skills that I’m looking for, and fast learner who adapts quickly change and will hit the ground running. I dedicate and enthusiastic about helping my job to meets the goal, and provides top-quality results with minimal over site. Also I will an outstanding performer who takes pride in my work.
                  Finally goal that I would like to achieve is to be the best accounting officer that I can possibly be. This means that I want to learn, read, communicate and be prepared for as much material as I can. Also, I can try to work in different position that can make my life valuable.  I expect to be challenged and grow as a result of my career. I would like to improve myself as a person and as asset to the company and industry.  I believe I have a combination of qualities to be successful in this career.